Gold and Silver have outperformed almost all other investments since 2000. The fundamental reasons that have propelled prices to current highs, are ONLY Getting Stronger! Over time, the Gold coin market has had a proven track record of maintaining stable value during volatile spot market conditions; infact some coins have actually increased in value during stagnant and declining gold prices.

No matter how much you invest, you do not have to pay taxes on the acquisition of gold. You can hold your metals year after year; you`re only taxed when you choose to liquidate.
Current law exempts many investment grade coins from 1099-IRS reporting, during the acquisition and liquidation process. Certain Gold coins have been exempt from past government recalls. Privately held Gold and Silver is the secret to how many families have passed down wealth from one generation to the next maintaining their stability.
Gold has stood the test of time, it is recognized around the world as True Wealth. Gold can be acquired and liquidated through Prosperity Gold Group, any gold dealer, exchange, and/or precious metals firm in the world. Gold is bought and sold 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
You can store your gold by utilizing our metals on deposit program, take possession, or have your metals shipped almost anywhere in the world. A Million Dollar Gold portfolio can fit and be carried in about the size of a suitcase.
In today`s unstable stock market and economy, many of the current investment strategies possess risks that can leave you vulnerable. Owning Stocks and Bonds alone leaves you unprotected. Gold continues to be a proven choice for many Investors, Institutions and Central Banks with the value consistently rising at a steady pace.
Every analyst, financial advisor, and/or investment manger will advise you to secure a balanced portfolio. It`s recommended that a minimum of 10-20% of any portfolio should be hedged with Gold and Silver.